Odds and Ends

Amanda Ehrhardt, MA, JAMA Network

Earlier this year, several small updates were made to the AMA Manual of Style that clarified some lingering questions that had left some editors potentially perplexed (or perhaps possibly puzzled!).

To Repeat or Not to Repeat?

The debate between the use of repeat vs repeated is no longer an existential crisis worthy of a Danish prince. Chapter 11.1 has been updated to indicate that these terms can be used interchangeably (just like Rosencranz and Guildenstern).

Game, Dataset, Match

One author serves up data in a data set. Another author swings their racket, sending data across the court in a dataset. So who won?

According to Chapter 11.3, author 2 can celebrate with strawberries and cream: dataset is now the preferred spelling.

A Sensitive Matter

To differentiate high-sensitivity troponin T from contemporary assays, it is now being reported in ng/L, which has been updated accordingly in chapter 17.5.

So please add these changes to the Homerian catalog already in your editor’s mind, as we know the evolution of style changes is always an odyssey!

July 12, 2024

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